Here in Matthew 7, we see a powerful question asked us. Is YOUR HOUSE BUILT ON THE ROCK? Looking at your life, what do you see--any love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness or temperance?
Or is there idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, wrath, envy, jealousy, fornication, adultery, murder, drunkenness, reveling and such like? Well, if our house contain any identified in this paragraph, we have a big problem. We are not in the right camp and need to get out FAST!
Do you notice how many things are contained in the above list, but believe it or not, these are not all because Satan our enemy will have us do anything wicked to ensure we stay in his kingdom, which is darkness and destruction and leads to eternal damnation.
He doesn't want us to accept The ROCK because at that point, our house will be cleansed throughout and Yahshua will be Master of our new life -- we now have eternal life through Yahshua.
Pastor Jenkins helps us to understand in this chapter the scenario of two houses: one built on the ROCK and the other built on sand. Just think about these two houses and how different they are. One is ROCK SOLID and the other is on sand or shaky ground. Think about when your feet are in sand, is there solid matter under your feet? The sand house gets swept away but the house built on solid ground (The ROCK) outlasts the weight of the situation/temptation or storm.
Oh Yah the Solid ROCK I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. The key word is ALL.....
As believers once are have accepted Yahshua into our hearts, our temple (house's foundation) is on solid ground, and we are no longer that old person we use to us.
So be encouraged my friend, Yah has a plan and He's working it out for you.
Scripture to note: Matthew 7:18
In Romans 3, we see as believers we are justified by faith. The question is: are you there? Have you received Yahshua's grace and now is justified?
So, how are we justified? In verses 23 and 24, we see the truth of Yah's word: "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of Yahweh." Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Yahshua the Messiah..."
Yahshua came to the earth to save the world from being lost; therefore, we know He finished what He was sent to earth to do, and in so doing, now sits at the right hand on His Father in a ruling position. Because of His work here on earth, we can now affirm that we are part of Yahweh's family -- through our acceptance of Yahshua's mighty acts here on earth. Who else was worthy to shed His blood and die for the sins of the whole world? Only Yahshua, and if it had not been for Yahshua on our side, where would we be?
We know that when Father Yahweh looks at us, the believers, He sees us through the blood of Yahshua, our Savior because we have accepted Him in our hearts.
What more can we ask for-- after all, we have it ALL! Don't you agree?
Scripture to note: Romans 5:1
Ever been in a situation where you had to wait on Yahweh for your prayer to be answered? So many times, we find ourselves in what we would call "an impossible situation".
In 1st Samuel, King Saul of Israel -- out of fear and his fighting men starting to desert him -- found himself in a situation and as a result made the decision not wait on Samuel, who was one of Yahweh's prophets and High Priest who had a specific job to do, but Saul went forth and perform the ceremony that only the High Priest was able to do. Samuel told Saul he had to go away but would return in a certain number of days to pray over them so Yahweh would bless them and they would win the war.
When Samuel did not return at the appointed time, King Saul went forth a performed the burnt offering -- a function he was not allowed to do, but he did and the results were very grave for him.
Pastor Jenkins pull back the curtain of understanding so we can clearly see exactly what happened, why it happened and what the King's punishment was for disobeying Yahweh's law. As you listen, think about what your decision would have been and/or how you could have prevented the outcome. For King Saul, he paid a heavy price-- having his kingdom stripped from him as a result of fear of being defeated on the battleground.
Pastor Jenkins pull back the curtain of understanding so we can clearly see exactly what happened, why it happened and what the King's punishment was for disobeying Yahweh's law. As you listen, think about what your decision would have been and/or how you could have prevented the outcome. For King Saul, he paid a heavy price and if he could, we believe he would have counted the cost more carefully.
Scripture to note: Psalm 37:7
This message is a continuation of last week's since we are living in the New Testament Church Age.
Therefore, Pastor Jenkins continues to lift up and glorify Yahshua, because He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. He came to the Earth, wrapped in flesh as a human being in order to pay the ransom for mankind's sins by dying on the Cross. He didn't ask if the people were good or evil. No! Yahshua came and shed His blood on the Cross for ALL -- not one person was excluded, and in so doing, He opened the Door for us to receive eternal life (salvation) through repentance.
Remember, every blessing we receive comes only from Yahweh through Yahshua -- so look inward and see if there are unresolved issues in your life, and if there are repent and ask Yahshua to come into your heart and live in you. IF you ask Him, He will because He is not a respecter of persons. May Yahweh open the windows of Heaven and pour you out a blessing.
Scripture to note: Ephesians 1:20
This message is a continuation of last week's since we are living in the New Testament Church Age.
Therefore, Pastor Jenkins continues to lift up and glorify Yahshua, because He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. He came to the Earth, wrapped in flesh as a human being in order to pay the ransom for mankind's sins by dying on the Cross. He didn't ask if the people were good or evil. No! Yahshua came and shed His blood on the Cross for ALL -- not one person was excluded, and in so doing, He opened the Door for us to receive eternal life (salvation) through repentance.
Remember, every blessing we receive comes only from Yahweh through Yahshua -- so look inward and see if there are unresolved issues in your life, and if there are repent and ask Yahshua to come into your heart and live in you. IF you ask Him, He will because He is not a respecter of persons. May Yahweh open the windows of Heaven and pour you out a blessing.
Scripture to note: Ephesians 1:20
Ephesians 1:17-23 is a prayer believers as well as those in the world who want a changed life can pray. It's a prayer that Apostle Saul (Paul) delivered to the Ephesians Church.
The question is: Do you have a personal relationship with Yahshua? If so, hold on and go deeper in prayer with Father Yahweh through Yahshua; but if not, go into your quiet place, pick up your Bible and pray this prayer as the Apostle told the people there in Ephesus; Yahshua is no respecter of persons. What He does for one, He'll do for others when we do what is excepted of us. How long must I pray? Good question, the answer is as long as it takes to get a breakthrough.
As Pastor Jenkins points out we all have a choice to make, either we serve Yahweh/Yahshua and reap all the blessings from obedience, or we serve Satan and reap the destruction that comes from living a life of sin. You see, all of us have free will and as such, we must make our own choice, but depending on which choice we make determines where we will live after we leave this world.
As spoken in this chapter, Yahshua is the Head of the Church, and we are members of the Body. Our salvation comes through Yahshua's shedding His blood for us, and dying on the Cross so that we would have a way back to Father Yahweh. Take time to think of all the blessings you've received by obeying your natural parents; now allow your thoughts to travel down the path set for your life and see how overwhelmingly your life has prospered through obedience to Yah's word. It wasn't by coincidence, but by the grace of Yahweh through Yahshua.
Yahshua has covered us with His blood and stood in the gap for us, now shouldn't we want to do all we can to show how much we appreciate His sacrifice? Yes! and we should be willing and obedient to His word and serve Him with our whole heart, soul and body. We will reap more benefits than we could ever imagine.
Therefore, if you want a changed life, read verses 17-23 and ask Yahshua to open your heart to His word so that you can receive all the blessings afforded to a child of Yah.
Scripture to note: Romans 5:1
Hebrews 11 is the hallmark book of faith. It addresses how we are to move from one station in life to another. Each step takes us closer and closer to living life full of joy in Yahshua.
So, the question is do you need a blessing, or is there a mountain in your life that seems insurmountable? If that's where you find yourself, let's take a closer look into Yahweh's word.
Pastor Jenkins tells us that Father Yahweh may not come when we need Him, BUT He's always on time. He knows the perfect time to honor His word to you. As believers, we know He will never leave nor forsake us and will give us our heart's desire when we obey His word.
Think of all the faithful ones spoken of in this Chapter and then take the time to follow them in their walk with Yahshua. In so doing, you'll find they were just ordinary people until they accepted Yah's offer of salvation.
Once they did, they were never the same, and likewise once we accept Yahshua, our lives will never be same. BELIEVE and you will RECEIVE!
So, what else is left but to give our hearts to Yahweh and see His miracle-working power in operation in us.
Scripture to note: Mark 11:24
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